Not your normal “Grip and Grin”

While having breakfast Friday morning with my girlfriend Victoria, her aunt and cousin, I get a call from a photographer I work with, Kristen Peelle asking if I was available to do a shoot that day. I agreed, and quickly found out when the job was scheduled for – now. We get the check, head back home, while I frantically change and pack. I had very little information about what the shoot entailed, and was only told that they wanted “some action shots and some still shots at Gilespie Field”. I grabbed my bag, ran out the door, and headed out not knowing what was ahead of me.

When I got there, I was told I was basically going to be doing some grip and grin photos (smiling while looking at the camera, publicity shot kind of things).


I was then approached and asked if I had another camera that I could lend to one of the crew at the field so they can take some photos, when I responded, “Can’t I just take the photos?” Little did I know what I was volunteering for.

He responded, let me check, and asked the pilot if he minded if I went up with him to take some photos – up in the air! Although I didn’t know that I was asking to do that, I was all for it, and jumped at the chance to fly.

Here was the plane I got to fly in, a T-6.

And my flying quarters

My previous job site – a little different view, with a little different job description

And finally, some of the good stuff!

Thanks for looking!